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Weekly Check-In Assignment 5_Nutritional Biochemistry

Weekly Check-In Assignment 5_Nutritional Biochemistry

Q Each student will complete a weekly check-in post due before Saturday at 11:55 pm EST. Check-ins are informal and based on self-reflection. To get full credit on the Weekly Check-In Assignments, your post should be a minimum of 200 words, and not exceed 500 words. Your post should answer the following questions with regard to the week’s content (video lectures, readings): • What one piece of information did you find most interesting this week? • Many times an answer to a question leads to more questions. What are some questions that came to mind when learning this week’s lesson?

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This week, all the reading was very interesting and insightful, and I found a new concept in the fact that amino acids can act like ketogenic, glucogenic, and both, and why regulating protein is so important for the overall health of the body. Glucogenic amino acids prepare glucose for the body to feel energetic and this is compensated with converted energy from ketogenic amino acids when glucose is not present, and this is why we can feel energetic and prepared throughout the day at various levels,